Archives for December, 2010

How do I get rid of ticks on my dogs and in my home?

Yesterday I took my two dogs through a quick walk in a field. Since the "trip" I have found four ticks on one dog, one on the other, one on me, and one crawled across my keyboard (ew). I bathed my dogs immediately after the walk, but I am still finding ticks. What is the best way to get rid of the ticks??
Pug with medium length black hair and short haired Boston Terrier. I have never seen tick shampoo, what is the best brand?

Spring has sprung and the little buggers are defintely hatching out there.
Always check your pets and yourself over thoroughly after outdoor excursions. On you they will climb until they hit elastic (think underwear leg or waistbands.)
Hartz makes a flea and tick shampoo. You have to lather them up and leave it on a few minutes.
Advantix or Frontline Plus – a topical treatment you put on the back of their neck (as opposed to Advantage or Frontline which only kill fleas)
For your yard there are insecticides you spray or sprinkle on like fertilizer.

Dec 03, 2010 | Comments are off | tick remedies