Archives for flea remedies category

I have a retriever great pyranees mix that is outside. We have used a lot of different flea and tick remedies?

I have a great pyranees and retriever mix that is an outside dog and we have used a lot of different flea and tick remedies and we cannot keep the ticks away from around his eyes. We even took him to the vet and had him neutered and they put treatment on him. Is there something that someone has used that has helped them? He is a real long haired dog. Please help.

Even if you keep the dog indoors he has to go outside to poo and if he’s like my indoor dog he’ll get ticks on him being outside for five minutes!! Keeping a dog outside isn’t cruel as long as he has food, water, shelter, proper vet care and love and attention. Okay, now that I got that off of my chest…

I would recommend using Frontline to keep the ticks off. Make sure that you get the topical ointment on the skin and not just on the hair. Part the hair down the back to apply it to the skin. Frontline (or Advantix) is what we use on our 6 dogs. Advantix is applied the same way and also helps against mosquitoes. Both products repel fleas and ticks. And they are water proof. They will work for your long haired dog as long as you get the medicine all the way to the skin, not just on the hair. The products work with the oils in the skin to spread over the body. Don’t bathe your dog a day or two before applying the meds and wait a day or two after before bathing. This also applies to swimming, etc…

If you decide to try one of these products make sure to get it from your vet or 1 800 pet meds. Many places buy these products illegally and try to sell them. Also sometimes fakes are put out that can actually harm your pet. And if you don’t buy the meds from a vet or 1 800 pet meds, the company won’t guarantee them if something goes wrong.

Good luck…and don’t listen to the criticism about having an outside dog. As long as you take care of him and he seems happy, he’s fine outside. Although since he is long haired you may want to trim him down for the summer if it gets hot where you live. (i have 2 outside dogs that would hate to be in the house…they’re bloodhounds)

Aug 04, 2011 | Comments are off | flea remedies

Anyone have any good flea remedies for human flea bites?

My legs are totally bit up from fleas!! My roomates dog is the culprit. They told me that they took the dog to the vet and already put it on a flea medicine but the darn thing still has fleas. My legs have little mosquito bite looking things all over them!! When I took a shower tonight I saw two fleas in the water. UGH!!! Does anyone have any cheap ideas for what I can do to get these fleas out of my bed and out of my rug in my room??? PLEASE???

I had a very bad infestation of fleas You should wash all your bedding,curtains, and all clothing in very hot water, then dry it completely. While it is being laundered, vacuum your bed, and carpet thoroughly and take the bag outside to the trash can immediately since the fleas can escape and you’ll be right backw where you started. There is a spray that you can purchase at any pet store for your carpet, which only costs about six dollars for a can. Use it right after you’re all done vacuuming. And finally, take a good hot shower, and apply noxema liberally on your skin, this will immediately relieve the itching and the fleas won’t bite you because they don’t like the taste of it. You can also use ice packs if the swelling is particularly bad or calamine if the itching gets bad between showers. Your roommate needs to follow through with the flea treatment for the dog too, one of the best things for this is to buy a dog bed stuffed with cedar shaving, fleas hate cedar. And you should also clean the rest of your home in a similar fashion, vacuuming, washing everything possible in hot water, to be sure you’ve gotten rid of them. I had a bad infestation from my mother’s cat, and it took me a while to get rid of them – I even had to spread Sevin around the perimeter of the house to kill them off, because most flea treatments kill either the eggs of the adults but not both. Good luck with this very common, and annoying problem!

Jul 21, 2011 | Comments are off | flea remedies

What are some quick effective home flea remedies for flea bites?

I have heaps of flea bites and they can itch at times. I need effective home flea remedies for at least easing the pain and itchiness.

First, get your pet checked at the vet to prevent anymore fleas.
Second try some fo that calmine (sp) lotion or soak in the bathtub with milk in it

Jul 09, 2011 | Comments are off | flea remedies