Archives for tick remedies category

Can my dog get fleas/ticks just by walking around the block? Is 1 monthly bath enough?

Can my dog get fleas/ticks just by walking around the block? There are other dogs in the area (all owned, no strays), he’d be walking on the sidewalk and possibly through other people’s yards.

Dogs of course can get fleas from other dogs….since the fleas can fall off the dog that just passed and your dog comes by and picks it up…but baths aren’t that great….first they don’t kill fleas at all and you could get a flea infestation without knowing it till they are on your leg…so go to the vet and get the little bottles of flea stuff that is appropriate for your dogs size, age and weight…this will go on his back between his shoulder blades and its good for a month or six weeks. Now depending where you live if you get snow then you don’t need it during the winter…my little Chicklet doesn’t need that stuff at all I dont’t take him where other dogs go in the grass just on pavement…fleas don’t live on the pavement…

Personally I use this the most…

See ya.

Feb 18, 2011 | Comments are off | tick remedies

How do you get ticks off a dog who’s covered in them?

I have 2 dogs, but the little one who is 1 year old named Daisy is covered in ticks, literally, we got 200 off her this morning, ew!!
Any suggestions? We’ve tried everything!

Oh no, poor puppie,
ok you can take a trip to the vet and they might perscript you with some medication, or but some off the vet office counter or at the pet store like frontline.

You can also buy some special shampoo and conditioner at the pet store for whenever your pups have a bath (it might help)
but I dont know what else you have tried!
Good luck

Feb 11, 2011 | Comments are off | tick remedies

How do you prevent ticks from getting inside a house?

Every time spring comes around ticks somehow manage to get into my house. ( I think they’re coming through the kitchen window), how do I prevent them from coming back every year?

I’d examine the caulking around your window. I don’t have any specific experience with ticks but this helped solve my ant problem.

Feb 04, 2011 | Comments are off | tick remedies