What product is good for avoiding the ticks jump on the pet ?

I am using the Frontline but it’s only killing the flea or ticks when they bite the pets. But by that bite, the disease from the ticks still spread to the pets. So what is good for them to use and not harmful to them?

Over many years of experimentation in the worst tick area in Australia, I’ve found that the only tick prevention that really works is the Preventic tick collar. The ticks never latch on to the pet and the ones I’m talking about are deadly paralysis ticks that kill even a large dog within 24 hours. In a bad area like ours, it’s essential that the animals don’t get bitten at all as the poison from a number of bites quickly builds up to a harmful level.

I don’t even need to check my animals any more. I still do out of long standing habit, but it’s been literally years since I found a latched tick on any of them. Frontline was useless for ticks in my area and when I was using it, I would find latched ticks nearly every day. They would eventually fall off dead, but by then it was too late. Preventic seems to be tick specific though, so you may still need something else for fleas. I use Frontline for them and have never had any problems using both at once.

I checked, and Preventic is readily available in the USA.

Jan 25, 2011 | Comments are off | tick remedies

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