How can you tell the difference between ticks?

How can you tell whether or not a tick is the dangerous kind? I live in NC, where there are a lot of ticks, especially during this season. Someone my age died from a tick-related illness called Rocky Mountain spotted fever or something… apparently a special kind of tick carries that. I’ve been bitten by like 2 ticks by now… I frickin hate those things. How can I tell whether it’s dangerous or not? Is there any way to tell?

How dangerous are tick bites?
Out of the more than 800 known species of ticks the common tick (Ixodes ricinus) is for us the most important (Fig. 1). Ticks can be found all over Switzerland up to an altitude of around 1500m. The preferred habitats of these spider related creatures are mildly damp places in deciduous and mixed forests with an abundance of undergrowth (grasses, shrubs, bushes), in particular overgrown edges of forests, forest clearings and paths, also hedgerows and land with tall growing grasses and bushes. Ticks are rarely to be found in well looked after family gardens, town parks, which are not near forests and pure coniferous forests.

Ticks sit on low growing plants (up to max. 1.5m), wait for a passing host and then let themselves be brushed off onto the host. Ticks do not fall from trees! The danger of being bitten in winter is very low, in spring (February to the middle of June) and in autumn (middle of August to October) much higher. These periods can vary from year to year depending on climatic conditions. Hosts for ticks, depending on their stage of development, are small rodents, birds or larger wild animals such as hares, deer, domestic animals (cats and dogs) and in some cases humans.

For a tick to develop it has to suck blood at least once in every phase – as a larva, a nymph and as an adult. With larva this blood sucking process lasts for two to three days, with an adult tick from seven to eleven days. During this time the weight of these 0.5 to 6 mm large creatures can increase a hundredfold. Ticks have a proboscis, a so-called rostrum with which they drill into the skin (Fig. 2). With the help of several small teeth, which are used as barbed hooks, they hang on tightly to the skin and are very difficult to remove. With the bite they give off an anaesthetizing substance, which is why it is often not noticed.

Wood ticks pass on germs
In Switzerland wood ticks can pass on several germs to humans, a bacterium (Borrelia burgdorferi) and a virus (the tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV))

All over Switzerland 5-30% (up to 50%) of ticks are infected with the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi. An estimated 3’000 people yearly contract the so-called Lyme disease caused by this bacterium. Lyme disease can be treated with antibiotics.

Ticks, which carry the tick-born encephalitis virus, are only to be found in certain areas, so called natural herds (endemic areas) (Fig. 3). Affected are the following cantons Zurich, Thurgau, Schaffhausen, Sankt Gallen, Graubunden, Aargau, Lucerne, Zug, Niedwalden, Obwalden, Uri, Solothurn, Bern, Freibourg, Vaud and the Principality of Liechtenstein. In these endemic areas around 1% (0.5-3%) of ticks carry the virus. There are at present no known areas with TBE invested ticks above an altitude of ca. 1000 m.

In 2005 the cases of TBE drastically increased with 200 cases, compared to an average of 100 per year during the preceding 5 years. There is a well-tolerated and efficient vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis.

Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE)
The tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) typically manifests itself in two phases of illness. In the first phase around 7 to 14 days after the insect bite certain people show flu like symptoms such as headaches, fever, fatigue, or painful joints. The symptoms disappear after a few days and a connection with the tick bite is seldom made. For most patients the illness is now over and they will most probably be immune for the rest of their life. For approximately 5-15% of patients after a symptom free phase there follows a second phase of illness with an attack on the central nervous system.

The symptoms of this form of meningitis are bad headaches, aversion to light, dizziness, lack of concentration, difficulties of speech, sight and difficulty in walking. These symptoms can last for weeks even months. Certain patients can experience paralysis of arms, legs or facial nerves, which can lead to permanent disabilities. Approximately 1% of the patients die from this disease. With children it usually takes its course harmlessly without any lasting damage. There is no special therapy. The treatment aims at alleviating the symptoms.
Lyme disease has a diversity of symptoms. Apart from the skin, the nervous system and the loco motor system the heart can also be affected. There are 3 stages to the illness. The first symptom is often a local inflammation of the skin, the so-called Erythema migrans, a circular rash. Several days after the bite a rash appears, which spreads out and becomes circular in appearance. This symptom only appears with around 30% of patients and is often located at the back of the knee, on the stomach, or on the shoulders. At the same time flu symptoms may occur. The first phase of the illness usually heals by itself within days to weeks. However a treatment with antibiotics is necessary to prevent the virus from spreading to other organs.

After weeks or months for some of p

Oct 28, 2010 | Comments are off | tick remedies

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