
my dog has a tick (first one)
and i was an idiot and tryed to remove it with tweezers. but it was feeding and bit down and now it wont let goits on his belly. i need a way to make it let go so i can remove it without crushing it and tearing it into little pices like i REALY want to.
how do you make it let go?
i have tryed tweezers but he is feeding and wont let go and i REALY cant grip his head so how to i get him to LET GO!

Pull it off, kill it, throw it away. KILL IT so it won’t multiply and put more on your dog…. You have to makesure you pull out the head as well!

(squeeze it with your nails, it’ll do the job)

Oct 23, 2010 | Comments are off | tick remedies

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